Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Creative Minds

Ken Robinson has a session about the importance of creativity in the school system. His definition of creativity is "the process of having original ideas that have value that comes through with the interaction of different new ways of seeing things. He has a very big interest with education because he believes it will take us into a future that we do not understand. He also believes that creativity is just as important as literacy in the school system and that we should treat it as such.
After listening to his session I believe that creativity is important in the school system. I like the example that he gave about the choreographer who produced Cats and Phantom of the Opera. He said that when she was a young girl in school her teachers would tell her mother that they thought that something was wrong with her because she would always move around in class and not do her work. The teachers told her mother to take her to see a doctor. When her mother and the doctor left her alone to talk, the girl began to dance to some music that was playing. The doctor then discovered that the little girl was a dancer, so her mother took her to a dance school. The little girl grew up to be a creative chreographer who has produced many successful plays because she was able to keep her creative spirt going.
Most children at a certain age are not of afraid of being wrong but as they grow older society leads them to believe that being wrong is a bad thing. With children being afraid of being wrong, it leaves them little room for creativity. I believe that children should be incouraged to use their creativity in every way possible.

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